保護施設のドアを開けた瞬間、多数の犬の目に圧倒された。そこには、ペットブー ムの裏側に潜む人間のエゴ、それに翻弄される犬の現実があった。初めて足を踏み入れた保護施設での、無数の犬たちから向けられた瞳。その一瞬から私は、顔だけにこだわり撮影することを決めた。
The creation of the work began with an encounter with a dog. The dog’s hair was dirty and so thin that his ribs stood out. The dog, which was walking unsteadily, resisted violently when it was taken into custody by the police. Looking at the scene, I felt doubts about the behind the scenes of the modern pet boom. Afterwards, I visited a local shelter.
The moment I opened the shelter door, I was overwhelmed by the eyes of many dogs. There lies the human ego lurking behind the pet boom, and the reality of dogs at the mercy of it. The eyes of countless dogs at the shelter where I set foot for the first time. From that moment on, I decided to shoot only the face.